Welcome to SIMMER 2.0!

We just rewrote the entire site and relaunched on Feb 15, 2025.

Need the old site? https://legacy.simmer.io

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-Rocco, simmer.io founder

#SIMMERjam 2.0 Schedule, Prizes, and Rules

Updated: November 8, 2019

Register here!

Join the discussion at: https://discord.gg/2wGJeH6

SCROLL DOWN FOR THE THEME! Or watch the theme reveal video here: https://youtu.be/25GnI8rn-aI

#SIMMERjam 2.0 is a Game Jam for Unity developers that will take place November 8-10, 2019 at simmer.io!

The theme will be announced Nov 8 at 3PM Pacific, and entries will be due on Nov 10, 11PM Pacific. You can join our discord channel to post updates during the event.

A game jam is a games hackathon for that usually lasts a few days. If you've never done one before, #SIMMERjam is a great opportunity, because there will be lots of prizes for winners AND participants!

We're giving away $800 worth of gift cards, plus courses from Unity3D.college, memberships and more, worth thousands.

Thanks to Coil.com, for making the amazing Gift card prizes available for this jam (read on--they have a really cool product to help you monetize your games).

If you're thinking about joining the jam, preregister here. You should also sign up for SIMMER if you haven't already.

get paid for what you post online

The Prizes

Best in Primary Theme

  • 1st place: Unity3D.college Master Unity Class (normally sells for $999) + $100 Amazon card.
  • Runner Up: $100 Amazon card + 10 testers package at testinghub.io ($75 value)
testinghub makes it easy to get feedback about your game!

Best use of Web Monetization

See our section below for more details about web monetization.

  • 1st place: $300 Amazon card
  • Runner up: $200 Amazon card
  • Runner up: $100 Amazon card

All Entries:

Get a gift membership to coil.com so that you can view and support other folks' work on the web.

Random Prizes

We want all developers (regardless of skill level) to participate in this jam. I will (literally) pull names out of a hat to see who wins these prizes

  • 3 six-month premium hosting packages from SIMMER.io ($100 value)
  • 3 one-month Filebase subscriptions from GameDevHQ ($30 value each)
  • 1 five testers package from testinghub.io ($50 value)
  • 3 course vouchers for WebGL with Unity the Ultimate Guide by SIMMER.io


The theme comes to us from discord user henryDorsettCase

The theme is "MONEY!".

I suggest "Money". This doesn't have to be currency, it can be precious metals, commodities, seashells, whatever has been used for money in the history of the world.

thanks for your suggestion!

HINT: Keep your games focused and small! It's better to have an amazing 60s experience than to try to recreate GTA 5! Remember you only have a few days!

Web Monetization

Above, I mentioned that Coil.com is sponsoring this event! Coil enables players to stream small bits of money to you, the creator, and in return, you can unlock a special perk or feature in your game.

In Unity

Get a head start on the jam with our asset on Github that will allow you to detect and respond to Monetization events in Unity WebGL without writing a single line of Javascript.

Watch the tutorial video.

On the bottom of this page I have a longer FAQ about web monetization.

The Rules

  • All games must be Unity WebGL and uploaded to SIMMER.io by November 10, 2019 at 11PM Pacific (and you must click the #SIMMERjam checkbox upon submitting).
  • Rocco B., the founder of SIMMER solely determines the gift card winners, and if an entry is on-theme or not.
  • It IS possible to win both the Primary theme and the web monetization prize.
  • Teams are allowed, but the prize will be delivered to the email address of the person who submitted the game.
  • Multiple entries are allowed.
  • Random prizes will be picked out of a hat from all on-theme entries (yes, a real hat!)
  • You must be at least 13 to enter in the USA, and older in some areas of the world. Void where prohibited.
  • You may use assets and other code from the web, but please do not just slap a skin on an old game you created. On your honor!
  • Registration is highly encouraged (but not required).

Web Monetization FAQ

1) Do I need to implement Web Monetization to win a prize?  

No. Best use of web monetization wins $300, $200 and $100. There are two other prizes available, $100 + unity3d.college course, and $100 + testinghub.io 10 testers package. There are also ten "subscription" prizes that will be given randomly.  

2) What is it?  

Web Monetization is implemented a browser plugin from coil.com that streams $$$ into from paid coil subscribers (players) to you. It streams fractions of a cent every ~300ms. You can respond to these "monetization events" by providing value to the player: https://coil.com/p/sharafian/Writing-a-Web-Monetized-Game/1i3t_1Frk

3) How do I set it up?  

Go to coil.com and sign up for a developer account. The easiest way is to set up an XRP wallet.  If you do not wish to set up an account, you can still use the web monetization asset, which points to SIMMER's payment pointer by default.  

4) How do I use it in unity?  

Use the asset here https://github.com/TheRoccoB/web-monetization-unity-webgl Here is a tutorial about how to use it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySjl7HlW7EA

3) Do I need a paid coil.com account?  

No. Developer accounts are free. The easiest setup is to use an XRP wallet.  

4) How do I test my build for free?  

I've developed a small website called https://testwebmonetization.com/ (see Bookmarklet for Testing).  

5) Why do the bigger prizes require web monetization?  

This event was graciously sponsored by coil.com, and the other prizes came out of simmer's (very small, LOL), pockets. So Coil is making these larger prizes possible!

6) I have more questions.  

I can answer them on discord https://discord.gg/2wGJeH6.  

Previous #SIMMERJam

Check out the entries to the original #SIMMERjam here. There's also a demo reel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gxgfQntLnU