Welcome to SIMMER 2.0!

We just rewrote the entire site and relaunched on Feb 15, 2025.

Need the old site? https://legacy.simmer.io

Need help? Got feedback or found a bug? support@simmer.io, discord

-Rocco, simmer.io founder
Enter the dark fantasy world of daredevils, golems, witches, reapers, and get ready to be #1 of them all.

Mouse cursor - use it to lead your direction
Left Mouse Button - click to attack; hold to prepare dash attack and release to execute
Right Mouse Button - use special attack skill

Collect gold to get more experience and level up,
Every level up increases your Health and Damage,
Kill enemies to take part of their gold,
Pick up boosts to heal yourself or temporarily increase your performance: damage, speed, resistance, vision, reach,
Destroy chests to find more gold, runes and gemstones,
Between matches, visit Equipment screen to spend gathered gold and resources for upgrades: weapon, armor, helmet, boots, gloves, belt, spaulders, ring and amulet,
Spend gold to unlock champions and make them available all the time, along with possibility of upgrading their Passive and Action skills,
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