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-Rocco, simmer.io founder
Dungeon Wayfarer
Dungeon Wayfarer is a 3D first-person roguelike RPG game demo with simple pixel art visuals and minimalistic user interface. The game features random generated 3D dungeons, pick-ups, random enemies, light RPG elements, auto map, permadeath and simplistic turn-based gameplay with reaction based combat system. The future release is planned to have more content and having better pixel art visuals and game mechanics. The future release will be released on Android, iOS and on PC. Feedback is appreciated :)

W: Move forward, Push
S: Move backward
A: Move left
D: Move right
Q: Turn left
E: Turn right
Space bar: Skip turn
Left Mouse Button: Interact, Examine, Attack
Right Mouse Button (hold): Look around
Esc: Pause menu

- No in-game menus to pause the game and taking away from the game world
- No over-complicating or confusing RPG stats or attributes
- Turn-based gameplay: everything moves when you move
- Simple reaction-based combat system without a fail state
- No nonsensical dialogues, no item hoarding, no grinding, no level scaling
- Simple point-and-click user interface
- Keyboard + Mouse control and Mouse-only control

When you click an enemy, you will perform an attack - either a melee or ranged depending on the distance between you and any targetable enemy. If an enemy is in an adjacent grid, your melee weapon will be used. If an enemy is further away, your ranged weapon will be used. You will cause damage depending on the selected weapon and the defense rating of an enemy. You have a chance to hit your target depending on the amount your hit points: the less hit points you have, the more likely you will miss your attack.

Every attack make a health bar to appear above the targeted enemy. This also triggers a quick-time-event in which a white dot moves alongside the health bar from right to left. If the dot reaches the left side of the bar it will change it's color to yellow. When you click the enemy again during that moment you will cause double damage to the enemy. You will also reduce incoming attack damage from the enemy and you will always land your attack regardless your hit points. If you manage to make four well-timed attacks in row, you will stun your enemy and get an extra turn.
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