Dungeon Crawler Demo
A simple first-person dungeon crawler demo made with Unity3d. The game mixes video game genres of point-and-click adventure, action-adventure and RPG. You are playing as an anonymous adventurer trapped in a dungeon and you are seeking a way to escape. Currently the game has no further plans like the game design, story, characters or lore. It would require a talented team. The game might still have some bugs and clitches.
Feedback is appreciated :)
1. Simple point-and-click user interface
2. Grid-based real-time gameplay in first-person view
3. Classless character development system without experience points or leveling
4. Simple usage-based progression system
5. No in-game menus getting in the way and taking away from the game world
6. No over-complicating or overwhelming RPG stats or mechanics
7. Mix of exploration, combat, puzzle solving and encounters
8. No party management and no tons of micromanagement
9. Keyboard and Mouse control
W Move forward, Push
S Move backward
A Move left
D Move right
Q Turn left
E Turn right
R Equip/Unequip weapon
T Cycle melee/ranged weapon
1 - 6 Use magic consumable
F or L Use lantern
N or O Open journal
M or Tab Open map
Space Bar Hide/Show bottom panel
Left Mouse Button Interact, Attack
Right Mouse Button Examine, Look around
Esc Pause menu
1. When weapon equipped, click Left Mouse to light attack, hold and release Left Mouse to heavy attack.
2. You can attack from three directions in melee combat: left, right and overhead. Try to vary your attack directions to make it harder for your enemy to block your attacks.
3. You can interrupt your enemy attacks by attacking at the same time.
4. You can push enemies by moving into them. The higher your Strength, the more likely your push will success.
5. Equipping a shield will help to avoid getting damaged most of the time with the cost of Stamina.
6. Magic staves have no charges or ammo unlike ranged weapons like crossbows. Instead they use your life force: first your Stamina, then your Health.
7. You can throw objects like rocks at the enemies.
8. You can try to use portcullis as guillotines.
9. Strength affects melee damage, Dexterity affects non-magical ranged damage and Intellect affects magical ranged damage.
Feedback is appreciated :)
1. Simple point-and-click user interface
2. Grid-based real-time gameplay in first-person view
3. Classless character development system without experience points or leveling
4. Simple usage-based progression system
5. No in-game menus getting in the way and taking away from the game world
6. No over-complicating or overwhelming RPG stats or mechanics
7. Mix of exploration, combat, puzzle solving and encounters
8. No party management and no tons of micromanagement
9. Keyboard and Mouse control
W Move forward, Push
S Move backward
A Move left
D Move right
Q Turn left
E Turn right
R Equip/Unequip weapon
T Cycle melee/ranged weapon
1 - 6 Use magic consumable
F or L Use lantern
N or O Open journal
M or Tab Open map
Space Bar Hide/Show bottom panel
Left Mouse Button Interact, Attack
Right Mouse Button Examine, Look around
Esc Pause menu
1. When weapon equipped, click Left Mouse to light attack, hold and release Left Mouse to heavy attack.
2. You can attack from three directions in melee combat: left, right and overhead. Try to vary your attack directions to make it harder for your enemy to block your attacks.
3. You can interrupt your enemy attacks by attacking at the same time.
4. You can push enemies by moving into them. The higher your Strength, the more likely your push will success.
5. Equipping a shield will help to avoid getting damaged most of the time with the cost of Stamina.
6. Magic staves have no charges or ammo unlike ranged weapons like crossbows. Instead they use your life force: first your Stamina, then your Health.
7. You can throw objects like rocks at the enemies.
8. You can try to use portcullis as guillotines.
9. Strength affects melee damage, Dexterity affects non-magical ranged damage and Intellect affects magical ranged damage.
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