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Clarice Adventure Alpha
Clarice Adventure is a game that I create for the Unity 2D challenge.
The goal of the challenge was to use the new Unity 2D tools, and here I;m using this tools, Animation2D this animate the grass, trees, and bushes.
The ground is using "2D Sprites Shapes" this is for the player scenario where our player can stand, run, walk it's also used for the backgrounds mountains.
2D cinemachine was another feature used, in all scenes Cinemachine is working but is more helpful when it have to follow the player, or make cinematics.

This game is still in alpha, basically this is an experiment, but I want to complete it. I hope this game works fine in the browsers the final platform is for Android devices.

I will show new update when I create more levels and challenges !

How to Play!
-You cam move using keyboard key "A,D" or using the arrow "Left,Right"
-Jump press the keyboard key "Space"

11 Feb 2019

I made some new update, the sounds are working again, Clarice can now attack just press the R key. I improve the sounds the controls of the player, we have enemies right now. I fix a lot of bugs an hiccups I'm now ready to make more draws to the game, that's not programming but it will change the look of the game.

14 Feb 2019

Upload a new build this fixed some bugs like ending the app via main menu exit game, level 1 is is now more big and have spawning enemies. And optimize performance.

21 Feb 2019

In this revision I create the first level I hope it will not need more changes, well maybe the changes are just graphics like backgrounds more trees, grass and stones. I fix some issues with the sound fx, fixed some problems with the performance of the enemies spawners, I change the behaviour of the attack now clarice just can use 2 power attack and not unlimited, I change some UI icon like the heart.
Some extra stuff not present in live game was the modification of the prefab brush for the points, I was having an error of having a lot of points in the same space so when you touch a multiple point it will play the sound effect very strange and you have multiple points, I modify the unity default extras prefab brush to avoid that, the same with the enemies. For the next update I should improve the background music and sound effects volume I think it's not working fine, I should start with the new draws for the scenario.

24 Feb 2019

New updates the level 4 is now completed, but most important the performance was increased the game was creating too much garbage a lazy optimization I just replace "foreach" and simply just use a "for loop" iteration so less garbage, the reason when a frame was done foreach was running inside update methods so the difference would be big. I put a new parallax system for the game looks great and runs smoothly I have to paint a new background for this. In level 3 you can find a "Checkpoint" by paying using game points you can use the checkpoint. The game was found in another website so I change the main menu to show the creator name OscarLeif. And some fixes general bugs...reduce lines of code.
Oh right I work on the sounds, the game volume should be better, before points music I think it was too loud and music and fx don't blend very well, I hope this version has a better sound configuration.

25 Feb.

Changes to the level 3, it was too hard to completed.
Implemented this parallax files.
They really look great, level 4 exist but it doesn't have enemies.

27 Feb 2019

Improve the "Selected Game Reticle" the selected button in the UI now looks better and use a nice resolution. The pause menu now shows the level name, Level 5 is completed Maybe I should check the game experience there.
Compilation Time is increasing and this maybe could be a problem, need to remove all not used assets when the game is done. Well, only 8 or less players per day I wonder if they like it. I try to create more levels but the UI give a lot of problems like when you miss all the life hearts game over show and no way to select an option using the game controller then the same was for pausing the game or completing the level you cannot continue using the game, I have to fix that.
And after that I create the new platform introduced in level 5 and performance goes down, check why and implement a similar solution that I use for the enemies.

4 March 2018.

I made new changes in the scene where you can select which level do you want to play, the first thing was to fix the problem with the canvas and relative sizes this is now complete, the level icon was changed now looks better now it's a square icon, when the level is not completed it will have a lock icon.
Level 6 and 7 are now at night. I will be working on more levels, of course more painting for different scenarios have to be done.

27 May 2019

The game development stop. Because actual design is not optimized, bad UI, the only that works fine is the character controller.

Oscar Leif
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