Welcome to SIMMER 2.0!

We just rewrote the entire site and relaunched on Feb 15, 2025.

Need the old site? https://legacy.simmer.io

Need help? Got feedback or found a bug? support@simmer.io, discord

-Rocco, simmer.io founder
About Me
Hello, my name is David Guido. I'm a 26 year old student currently attending my Junior year at California State University, Fullerton. I'm a Computer Science Major / Mathematics Minor, heavily invested in studying the field of game development. During my time away from the classroom, I enjoy designing and developing games that challenge my intuition.

All inquiries please don't hesitate to contact me using the e-mail provided below:

Contact / Social:
E-mail: davidguido@litlabproductions.com
Website: litlabproductions.com
Instagram: instagram.com/litlabproductions
YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCG6Y3kCD43Dwlt60hTRJZQA
GitHub (Lit Lab Productions): github.com/litlabproductions
GitHub (Student Account): github.com/dguido1
Studio Name
Lit Lab Prod.
Games By LitLabProd
Collections by @LitLabProd
@LitLabProd has no collections yet.