Gaëtan Karst
Sin'Leria: The Human Realm Under Attack
The player summons his units on the board, by first selecting the desired unit to invoke through the unit panel, and place it into the world by clicking on the desired place. Depending on each unit, the player will need to spend a certain amount of star that can be gained using the star trophy (non-offensive unit). Finally, the player will simply need to place his army and spend stars strategically, depending on the kind of enemies the waves are composed of.
The game pace is slowed down at the start of each level, letting the player the time to read the subordinate's indications (tutorial). The normal pace is back when the player clicks somewhere in the world.
The game pace is slowed down at the start of each level, letting the player the time to read the subordinate's indications (tutorial). The normal pace is back when the player clicks somewhere in the world.
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