The performance of any 3d application is highly dependent on the total number of polygons that the GPU has to process per frame in a 3d scene. If you have a complex scene containing high polygon 3d models, the overall performance of your game might suffer. Poly few is a mesh simplification and automatic LOD generation solution for unity that aims to solve this problem by allowing you to optimize high quality 3d models, lowering the polygon count and thus greatly improving the performance of your game. This also helps eliminate your expenses for artists. Mesh simplification is especially useful when developing for resource constrained platforms like mobile phones or other low end devices.
Get the asset at the Unity Asset Store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/poly-few-mesh-simplifier-and-auto-lod-generator-160139
Get the asset at the Unity Asset Store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/poly-few-mesh-simplifier-and-auto-lod-generator-160139
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